Finally, the Devil himself re-launches the War on Terror
Here is one thing that the world should observe. Bush had launched the War on Terror … the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were Bush’s wars. Hillary launched wars in Libya and Syria … these were Hillary’s wars. Both Bush and Hillary were fighting “Jihad … Radical Islam … Muslim terrorists” and bla bla bla.

These wars lasted for 20 years … turned out to be total bullshit … trillions of American taxpayer money were blown up, tens of thousands of Americans died, hundreds of thousands of American soldiers returned home with PTSD … several countries were destroyed, a million people were killed and about 10 million people were displaced from their homes.

This was the “War on Terror” … wars were not the right tool to fight against terrorism … but these wars themselves were mass terrorist activities and they ravaged every country that was targeted. It took Russia to step up … a nuclear world superpower had to step up to manage the rigged systems in America and to successfully eradicate terrorism from the world.

Everyone thought that Bush was bad … and then Hillary was bad … but it was “Netanyahu” a Banker puppet that was designing and encouraging all of these wars. The actual Devil was in the back seat and American leaders were mere frontend puppets. But since we rooted out Establishment puppets from the White House, Netanyahu was not able to start any wars.

The Establishment got tired of failing again and again to gain the Presidency … now it is directly using its Banker puppet to start new wars … new long never ending wars which are designed to spread more and more.

Selfish Chickens in Washington
One of the main reasons we are having genocide in Gaza is because we have “selfish chickens” in Washington. Either most American leaders are too chicken to stand up to Israel or they are selfishly looking for ways to make money off wars. Because of a few selfish chickens in the world, the lives of millions of people is being destroyed.

President Putin can establish a major lead in the Middle East
There is a huge leadership vacuum in the world because of the selfish chickens in Washington. Weak and vulnerable nations are destroyed while the powerful make money and gain territory. This is what President Putin should understand about the current Middle East crisis.

The world is with Gaza, except Washington
Not only Russia and China … but Europe, UK and the United Nations … all of them condemn the atrocities and ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. Here are some words from some speakers:

Israel is waging an invasion of Gaza ... to invite Iran in military confrontation. The world knows that the people in Gaza live in a humanitarian crisis ... and since they happen to be Arabs, its obvious that other Arab and Muslim countries are more attached to Palestinians. Netanyahu wants to create a genocide among poor, weak and innocent people to capitalize on this attachment in the Middle East to pull these countries into war.

That's why, Bum Biden is sending aircraft carriers to Israel. Its not to bomb Palestinians ... but it is to join the war if Iran or any other Middle East country gets involved.

You don’t play but you win by “destroying Establishment games”
This is what Bum Biden doesn't understand about Establishment malice in wars ... "you never take sides" ... you never ever take sides. The moment you take sides then you fall for their game. "We stand with Israel" ... and boom ... you just fell for their game. "Hamas did this and did that ... how can you support terrorists? Are you with Israel or Palestine? Are you with Jews or Muslims?" All of this is a part of the game ... you don't play the game. If you play their game then they win … the only way to win is by “destroying their game”.

The best way to deal with Establishment games is to ... destroy their game. Never take sides and never play their game. The only side that you take in these malicious wars is "peace". You say that, you don't want war but you want peace. If there is a terrorist attack then you use your police and intelligence agencies to root out the terrorists ... you don't wage wars against nations. You don't play their war games and you don't take sides.

Jim Jordan is actually a good guy. If you are anti-Trump then don't look at the fact that he is endorsed by Trump. One good thing that Trump has done in Washington is that ... he has pulled a lot of "Establishment free" candidates in top posts. A few examples are Amy Coney Barrett as the Supreme Court Justice ... she is an excellent candidate. Kayleigh McEnany in the media ... she is also a very good addition to American democracy. Trump has pulled hundreds of very good and talented people in top spots.

Trump has made several good logical decisions
So, Trump or no Trump ... the good and positive work that Trump has done, it should be recognized. I have myself given the formulas to Trump in how to recruit "Establishment free" candidates. Jim Jordan as the Speaker of the House ... is actually a good thing.

Don't be against things only because Trump is connected to it ... this is what the Establishment elements do. The Establishment kept on saying that "Trump is the most dangerous President in history" ... why? Because of these independent decisions that he kept on making ... against the Party, against the media and against the Establishment. Trump showed courage like no one before.

Biden is a bum President
Look at what Biden is doing right now in the Gaza war. He is following the structure placed by the Establishment in Washington. He is following party puppetry ... he is following advice from his military and party ... he is being a puppet to others rather than being the leader of the Nation. He cannot decide independently using logic and commonsense. He is a bum President.

When we hear the conflict between Israel and Palestine ... we think that maybe it is a conflict between the North and South of the country. No, it is not like that. The Israeli government has driven the original people of Palestine into tiny pieces of land ... the Gaza strip and the West Bank are such pieces of land. Gaza happens to be one of the most densely populated areas in the world. The people live there in a humanitarian crisis and Israel has been blocking humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza since decades.

Ethnic Cleansing
They have no military ... no Navy ... no Army ... no Air Force ... no proper defense system. Israel happens to be a developed country with the most sophisticated army and weapons in the world. Israeli weapon manufacturers were minting money during the War on Terror ... for decades, they have supplied hundreds of billions worth weapons in war zones.

It is this country that goes out there and bombs innocent civilians ... millions of people living in a humanitarian crisis ... in the most densely populated areas in the world. And the first places that they attack are mosques, schools and hospitals. The Israeli government does not want any existence of Palestine or Palestinians there. They want complete extermination ... that's why they attack the most basic requirements of human life that are schools, hospitals and mosques. This is ethnic cleansing of a weak minority in the country.

You should simply get the hell out of your country and hand over your entire country to them. This is the process of "repeated ethnic cleansing" that Israel has been doing. And our bum puppet politicians blindly support all of the atrocities that Israel inflicts on others.

Let me break down the ongoing Gaza war so that it is easy to understand what is going on and we know how to contain and manage the crisis. These are a few key things that we should look into.

“ISIS. Jihad. And Terrorists.” Full fledged Islamophobia back in the scene
These are very old, abused and over used rotten gimmicks of the Establishment, Israel and Netanyahu. For 20 long years … wherever Netanyahu and Israel wanted war … terrorists appeared there … hostages were taken, people were slaughtered and beheaded … and war was declared on those countries. This is a very old used and abused gimmick of the War on Terror.

As per Netanyahu … now all of a sudden “Hamas is ISIS”. Why? Because hostages were taken, people were beheaded and bla bla bla. The simple question is … Hamas was founded in 1987. Why did Hamas wait for 36 years to become ISIS? Why didn’t Hamas take Israeli hostages before and slaughter them by the thousands since 36 long years? Why didn’t Hamas show any ISIS behavior for 36 years? Why has Hamas all of a sudden become ISIS?

Netanyahu doesn’t want foreign boots on the ground
Its seems Netanyahu doesn’t want foreign boots on the ground and this entire invasion of Gaza will be carried out by Israeli forces themselves. Why? If Hamas is such a terrorist organization that can kill thousands of Israelis in one go … then why don’t you want foreign support?

They don’t want foreign support because they don’t want foreigners to see what is actually happening out there. They don’t want foreigners to witness the genocide of common civilians.

Okay ... now, here's something very important. What's going on in Gaza is typical "Jewish Establishment malice". Crises are very good "testing times" ... its an excellent time to see how each key element that we have placed in the lead operate.

I need SM to focus on all key Presidential candidates ... Trump, Biden, DeSantis and anyone else that you are considering for the White House. I need you to observe how they are handling and operating in this crisis. Here are some pointers.

  • Are they blindly following Party puppetry?
  • Are they blindly Pro-Israel?
  • Are they easily moved by the media?
  • Is the media able to dictate their decisions?
  • How are they deciding what has to be done?
  • Are they blindly following political and military advisers?
  • Are they following or are they leading the media, advisers and Israel?
  • Are they pro-war? Will they supply more weapons and funds to Israel?
  • Will they join the war in favor of Israel?
  • Will they carry out more onslaught and decimation of the people in Gaza who are already suppressed and abused?
  • Will they allow this thing to be converted into Islamophobia all over again?
  • Will they start talking against Islam and Muslims now?
  • Will they fall for the Establishment's games of using an event, media and politicians to control the flow of the country?
  • Interestingly, also note ... will they turn against us? Will they try to be so pro-Israel that they will try to shut us down?

All of this has happened before. This crisis is actually an excellent tool to check who we have in the White House and who will be in the White House. In the top game, its only Obamas who have a mature understanding of this issue ... because all of it happened during the Obama Era ... they know every bit and byte of it. Comparatively Trump, Biden and DeSantis are new to this type of Establishment crisis. The newer they are, the more likely they will get carried along with the waves.

By the way, the Squad is doing great. Keep it up! You are the change that America needed. There are dozens of politicians in the UK and all across Europe that have the balls to question Israel. Its only in America that we have mainly pussies in the White House and the Congress. You are the first among the brave and the bold in America after a very long time.

Unfortunately ... its a shame for men that ... its mostly "women" who are showing this courage. In today's leadership ... women have balls of steel and men have pussies. You look at the men in leadership and they have "pussy" written all over their face ... and you look at the women in leadership ... they have "balls of steel" written in every stride.

Congrats Squad ... I am proud of you. Change can come to America if our leaders have the courage to stand for change. Our leaders ... the "pussy-men" leaders ... they just love the comfort of following party puppetry. The party says be anti-Russia ... they will be like ... "Sir, yes Sir ... we are anti-Russia and we will fund wars against Russia forever". If the party says be pro-Israel and they will be like "Sir, yes Sir ... we are slaves to Israel and we will turn a blind eye to all of its atrocities and in fact, we will give Israel more funds and weapons to do the same".

Its shameless party puppetry ... no balls and no brains to do what is right. I wonder why do these pussy-men leaders need balls down there when they don't even use it? Transgenders are trending nowadays ... why don't you simply cut off those useless balls ... plant a pussy on yourself that you rightly deserve ... and walk into the Congress wearing lipstick and a frock?

The one right thing that will come out of this is that ... at least, you will show that you are honest. If you don't have any balls and brains ... no problem ... at least show some honesty ... walk into the Congress wearing a frock, my wonderful pussy-men.

Well, let me introduce a "real man" to you.

Putin steps up for Palestine

Love you President Putin ... may God bless you with good health and a long life.