Facebook activates my account and then restricts it the moment I post in only 5 groups. Lol.

So, this is what you need to know about Facebook. The Establishment has placed a Satanic Jew in almost every active group that has more than 50 members in the US. Should I say a Satanic Jew or spy or Establishment puppet ... its all interconnected.

Elon Musk was complaining about the "over staffing" in Twitter and "4 guys monitoring the work being done by one guy" in Twitter. This is how Facebook is also operating as of now ... this is how the Establishment operates.

Its not about managing and running a social media platform ... but it is more about controlling the media, controlling the people, controlling the narrative and control what people know. This is why they place a spy in almost every active group in the US ... to see what is being said, who is saying what ... who is talking against Israel ... what they know, how much they know. This is why the "over staffing" is done.

The Satanic Jewish Establishment looks at non-Jews as sheep and cattle ... they call us the "Goyim" which literally means cattle in Hebrew. So, we are like animals that have to be controlled, monitored, silenced and managed ... so that everything happens as the "Masters" of these cattle want. Who are the Masters? The Establishment ... the Satanic Jewish Establishment ... they see themselves as the Masters and owners of the cattle ... the common Christian and Muslim people.

Biden is performing worse than Bush
That's what is going on with the Gaza war in the US now. What has to be done is already planned out ... our Bum Biden gave a nod to it as he is hell bent on making money from whatever source it might be ... even wars and genocide. Stupidly, he agreed to Netanyahu's war ... which is nothing but genocide against a people living in a humanitarian crisis. Now, everything is being controlled as per Netanyahu's plan ... the media, the narrative, what people should think and believe ... to the extent that our Bum Politicians are looking for ways to use legal tools against those who protest against this war.

This is a level that even Bush did not fall to. Millions protested in the streets against Bush's wars ... but even Bush was not bum enough to use the government and legal options against protesters. Our lovely Bum Biden is turning out to be a "record breaking bum in the White House" ... no one has been a bigger bum that Biden in the White House.

Trump chose commonsense over party puppetry
All that Trump had to tell Netanyahu was ... "I don't want any wars. If you bomb anyone and Russia gets involved then we will not intervene in your favor". This much was enough to control and stop Netanyahu's wars. Trump told even Putin to give a warning to Netanyahu and everything was perfectly in control. This is the simple formula that we gave to Trump ... he used it very quickly and it worked.

A guy with zero political experience could pull the right moves to maintain peace in the world ... and look at our Bum Biden ... he spent in his entire life in Washington and he can't even maintain peace in the world. He can't pull off two sentences to stop wars and genocide.

Biden is a war profiteer
Not only Biden allows Netanyahu to start wars ... but once he starts wars ... Biden comes up with bags of cash to finance his wars. Biden is the most shameful thing that exists in the White House today.

You are a complete disgrace, Mr. Biden. This is what happens when you don't break Establishment monopoly ... they create genocidal wars ... put you on the verge of a nuclear war against Russia ... maintain you on a track of an economic catastrophe and then you as President come off as a disgrace ... because you could not manage the shit that these guys have been doing since the past 100 years.

America has a selfish bum problem
This is what it means to become the US President ... not know shit ... not solve any crisis ... get carried away by the waves of Establishment crises ... and then you are blamed for all of the shit that they have been doing. Your incompetence and lack of action in a time of so many multiple crises is itself a disgrace. But when you shamelessly chase money by creating a genocide of innocent people ... then you just multiply the disgrace that comes on you.

Only two persons were enough to maintain peace in the world
The technique that we had used to create peace in the world was by using only "two persons" in key positions. The US and Russian Presidents ... only these two key entities were used to shoot down the malice that would be designed by tens of thousands of Establishment media and political entities.

But when we have a selfish bum in the White House ... who loves the money that comes even via genocide ... then we lost a key member in the game ... we lost the balance in the world. Now, we are back to George Bush era ... where the Establishment was running its shit around the world with US support.

Biden is puppeted by the same Democrat leadership that puppeted Obama
Biden doesn't realize the "mega screw up" that he has become only because of his greed and selfishness. Obama didn't give a shit about changing his track ... now apparently, Biden won't give a shit because he also follows the same party leaders that Obama followed. Biden turned out to be the same party puppet as Obama.

Doesn't matter how much reason or logic you will use with Biden ... it will not have any effect ... as Obama himself didn't give a shit about logic ... he did whatever the party told him to. Therefore, doesn't matter what you say ... it will be like talking to a guy who is deaf, dumb and blind. There will be no reasoning ... there will be no compassion ... there will be no logic ... he will run disaster after disaster ... until someone electrocutes his balls and kicks him out of the White House. Isn't it, Mr. Biden?

The Biden Presidency is a repetition of the disastrous Obama Presidency
This is one of the reasons, I didn't give a shit about training Biden on anything. I wrote thousands of pages ... during Obama's 8 years ... all of them fell on deaf years. The guy took 8 long years for a one hour job. Trump terminated all wars and terrorism within one hour in one speech. Biden is following the same leadership that Obama followed ... he is as freaking disaster as Obama was. So, what’s the point of writing page after page ... when you know that the guy won't give a shit ... when you know that he won't change anything or do anything differently?

That's why, I gave him only one task ... "connect with me and then I will show you how to take things forward". Biden didn't bother ... Obama didn't connect ... nor did Biden bother to ... which meant that his Presidency was going to be an exact repetition of the Obama Presidency ... complete party puppetry, disasters everywhere and he will pocket money while creating genocides for others. That's exactly where we are after two years of Biden.

Biden is the same shit show as Bush and Obama were ... because both of them were party puppets. Biden is just another party puppet in the game ... he is no different than Bush. That's why people are loving Trump ... because Trump dared to be different ... he challenged his party ... he did things differently and at least he maintained peace in the world.

Biden is creating wars and genocide because there are no more new ways of blowing up cash at home
Our selfish bum in the White House is loving wars now because there are no more trillion dollar spending programs he can come up with within America. He has exhausted all routes of blowing up taxpayer money. War is where he can blow up hundreds of billions of our taxpayer money and he is loving it. Biden is a total screw up and a complete disgrace.

Obama had an excuse ... he didn't know anything ... he didn't know even the abcd of the Establishment ... there was no SM ... he had no support from other sources. What is your excuse Mr. Biden? What is the excuse of both of you failing together? Is this why we created your team? So that, you flunk together ... so that, you create every disaster that was created before?